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How to log data for PPP

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This guide shows how to record logs for the Precise Point Positioning services and download them using Emlid Flow.


Precise Point Positioning is a technique that requires processing a raw data log from the standalone receiver for further removing or modeling GNSS system errors to provide a high level of position accuracy.


To learn more about PPP, check the How PPP works article.

Recording RINEX logs on Reach

To record logs for PPP, perform the following steps:

  1. Open Emlid Flow and connect to your Reach.

  2. Go to the Logging screen.

  3. Tap the Recorded logs and settings button.

  4. To configure logging, tap the blue gear button.

  5. Enter the log name.

  6. Select the preset depending on the PPP service you choose.

  7. Choose the required RINEX format in the Raw data section.


    If you do not know which version of RINEX you need, we recommend using RINEX 3.03. However, make sure the PPP service you choose supports this version of RINEX.


    While recording in the RINEX format, you can log the UBX file as a backup. UBX file can be used to adjust RINEX file settings in the Converter tool in Emlid Studio. You can enable logging in the UBX format in the logging settings in Emlid Flow.

  8. Enter the measured height to the bottom of the receiver in the corresponding field.

  9. Fill in the point's name in the Marker name field.

  10. Tap Apply.


You can start recording automatically when your receiver is turned on. Check the Autostart field on the Common settings screen.

  1. Enable log recording by tapping the Start recording button. The red recording icon will appear in the status bar.

PPP services requires recording the data for at least 4 hours to get the best accuracy.

  1. To finish recording logs, tap the End recording button.

Wait for data processing to finish.


You may log the data for up to 24 hours, depending on the accuracy required.

Once you finish the survey, don't forget to turn off raw data recording in the logging settings.

Downloading logs

After you finish raw data logging, you need to download RINEX data from Reach to your mobile device.

  1. Go to the Recorded logs section at the bottom of the Logging screen.


    You can also find information on the logs size and recording date and time here.

  2. To export the file, tap the Download button.

  3. Save your log depending on the device you use.


    If you do not need your logs anymore, you can delete them using the Select button.

When the logs are downloaded, you can start working with your data in the PPP service.

Further reading