Explore these step-by-step guides to learn how to integrate your Reach RX with third-party GIS and collector apps.
- Getting Reach coordinates on Android devices via Bluetooth
- Integration with MicroSurvey FieldGenius for Android devices
- Integration with MicroSurvey FieldGenius for Windows mobile data collectors
- Integration with ArcGIS Field Maps for Android
- Integration of Reach RX MFi with ArcGIS Field Maps for iOS
- Integration of Reach RX with Aplitop TcpGPS for Android
- Integration of Reach RX with Mergin Maps for Android
- Integration of Reach RX with PIX4Dcatch for Smartphones with LiDAR
- Integration with TcpGPS and Data Processing in TcpMDT:
- Preparing Ground Control Points for PPK UAV Mapping