Building from sources
Where to get the code
Navio2 is supported in the upstream ArduPilot repository.
How to build
ArduPilot binary can be built using two ways:
Directly on your Raspberry Pi. Simpler, but slower. Build takes approximately 15 minutes.
Using a cross-compiler (on Linux PC or virtual machine). This is much faster, but requires one-time setup.
If you want to build on Raspberry Pi, skip the next step.
Cross-compiler setup on Linux (optional)
Recommended compiler is the one that is provided by Raspberry Pi Foundation. Download and extract it somewhere, for example in /opt/.
sudo git clone --depth 1 /opt/tools
If you use using 32-bit distro, add the following to your PATH:
export PATH=/opt/tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian/bin:$PATH
For 64-bit distro, add this to your PATH:
export PATH=/opt/tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64/bin:$PATH
If you would like to add the compiler to the PATH permanently, edit /etc/environment.
Building ArduPilot using Waf build system
These steps are the same both for compiling ArduPilot directly on Raspberry Pi and cross-compiling.
Download the ArduPilot code:
git clone
Checkout to a specific tag in order not to fly off master.
Run git tag
to get a list of tags
For example, to build a copter binary:
git checkout ArduCopter-stable
git checkout ArduCopter-beta
Update the submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Note that Waf should always be called from the ardupilot's root directory.
To keep access to Waf convenient, use the following alias from the root ardupilot directory:
alias waf="$PWD/modules/waf/waf-light"
Differently from the make-based build, with Waf there is a configure step to choose the board to be used:
waf configure --board=navio2
If future
is not installed, then you should install it:
pip install future
Now you can build arducopter. For a copter, use the following command:
waf copter
In the end of compilation binaries with the name like arducopter-quad
will be placed in ardupilot/build/navio2/bin/ directory.
We suggest checking out ArduPilot docs for further details here. This is the most up-to-date reference.
If you use cross-compiler transfer the binary to your Raspberry Pi:
rsync -avz ardupilot/build/navio2/bin/arducopter-quad pi@
Where is an IP address of your Raspberry Pi with a Navio2.
Instructions on how to run ArduPilot on Raspberry Pi and to connect GCS to it are available in Installation and running section guide.