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Raspberry Pi configuration

Download preconfigured Raspberry Pi OS image

Navio2 requires a preconfigured Raspberry Pi OS to run. We provide a unified SD card image for Raspberry Pi 2, 3 and 4. The OS comes without GUI as it is not required for drone applications.

For Navio2
Emlid Raspberry Pi OS Buster [XZ, 685 MB], (md5)

Write image to SD card

  1. Get the latest Emlid Raspberry Pi OS Buster image.
  2. Download the Etcher tool. Extract it and run with administrator rights.
  3. Select the archive file with image and SD card drive letter.
  4. Click Flash!.

The process may take a few minutes.


More detailed instructions are available on Raspberry Pi Documentation.

Configure Wi-Fi access


Raspberry Pi 3 and 4 have an internal Wi-Fi module, while Raspberry Pi 2 requires an external USB Wi-Fi dongle. An extensive list of supported dongles is available here.

Wi-Fi networks can be configured by editing the wpa_supplicant.conf file located on SD card (/boot partition). To configure your network, add the following lines to it:


To get to this file, use one of the methods described below.

Access via computer

Plug an SD card in your computer. After getting access to SD card contents, open wpa_supplicant.conf located on /boot partition (with root privileges on Linux). Edit the file as described above.

Access via monitor and keyboard connected to Raspberry Pi

Connect HDMI monitor and USB keyboard to your Raspberry Pi. Power the board up. You will get access to the console, where you can use text editor to modify wpa_supplicant.


Use the default username pi and the default password raspberry to get access to your Raspberry Pi.

After logging into the system, type:

sudo nano /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf

Modify the file as described above, save it and reboot the board.


Pay attention that some keyboards are not compatible with this kernel. If your keyboard does not work, try another one or use another method.

Access via Ethernet connection

You can connect to Raspberry Pi over Ethernet by plugging it using Ethernet cable to a switch, router or directly to your computer.

Access via SSH

There is a pretty good chance you will be able to ssh into your Raspberry Pi using Zeroconf.

You can use ssh pi@navio.local on macOS or Linux. If you use Windows, type navio.local in PuTTY. If that does not work out for you, read a section below.

Find an IP address

To find an IP address of your Raspberry Pi, use the NMAP tool.

You can run it from the console on your desktop:

nmap -sn 192.168.1.*

You can use it with a GUI such as Zenmap or Fing application on your smartphone.

Look for the hostname navio.

Use wpa_passphrase on Linux

If you edit the file on Raspberry or Linux computer, you can populate wpa_supplicant.conf with a utility called wpa_passphrase like this:

sudo bash -c "wpa_passphrase SSID password" >> /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf


If required, you can upgrade your system by running:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Expand rootfs


Emlid Raspberry Pi OS Buster makes auto-expanding on a first boot.

By default, when Emlid Raspberry Pi OS Buster is installed, the file system will only expand to occupy 3 GB of storage. If you do not have space left on your device, you should expand your file system. To do so, just type:

sudo raspi-config --expand-rootfs

After this, reboot the board.