Emlid Studio 1.9 (Oct 17, 2024)
- Various fixes and improvements.
Emlid Studio 1.8 (Apr 11, 2024)
- Now Emlid Studio doesn’t remove XMP tags from photo metadata during geotagging and updates
tags with post-processed values.
Emlid Studio 1.7 (Nov 7, 2023)
- Added antenna support for RS2+ and RS3.
- Fixed synchronization of antenna parameters with the IGS database.
- Fixed missing trace file when enabling option "Debug trace".
- Various fixes and improvements.
Emlid Studio 1.6 (Aug 9, 2023)
- The timezone selector is removed in the Stop & Go CSV project file card as it is automatically detected by the application.
- In the Geotagging mode the app now tries to make images writable if there is a read-only attribute set by the camera.
Emlid Studio 1.5 (Apr 10, 2023)
- Post-processing with MRK-file in the "Drone data processing" mode will not fail if some points from MRK-file are outside the observation range.
- Signal strength flag representation in RINEX observation files is fixed according to the standard.
Emlid Studio 1.4 (Dec 27, 2022)
- GLONASS ambiguity resolution is set to Fix and Hold by default.
- Due to ReachView 3 rebranding, all its mentions are replaced with Emlid Flow.
Emlid Studio 1.3 (Sep 8, 2022)
- Geotagging will not fail if the folder contains TIFF files, only JPEG files will be used for processing.
- Converting to RINEX and post-processing files on external drives.
- Post-processing with an MRK file with a higher event frequency than the solution intervals.
- Various fixes and improvements.
Emlid Studio 1.2 (Jul 11, 2022)
- The last used processing mode will be opened on the application startup.
- Fixed APPROX POSITION XYZ header value when applying time adjustments in conversion (converting logs for OPUS).
- Added a 'LEAP SECONDS' label to navigation files to improve compatibility with third-party software.
- Various fixes and improvements.
Emlid Studio 1.1 (Jun 2, 2022)
- When clicking on the plot, the coordinates' tooltip is shown only for points and not for empty spots.
- Fixed the inability of post-processing of files from external drives.
- Various fixes and improvements.
Emlid Studio 1 (May 12, 2022)
- Emlid Studio in Stop&Go mode now computes RMS values from the given solution file and writes it to the resulting CSV file.
- Added automatic synchronization of antenna parameters with the IGS database.
- Added support for multiple RINEX logs of the same base receiver. Now you can drop the data cut into multiple files right into the base file selector.
- Added RINEX 2.x navigation files support. Just drop all these files into the navigation file selector and don't bother converting them to 3.x.
- Added time interpolation option for OPUS in converter (-TADJ option).
- A splash screen is displayed during the application initial loading.
- Now you can import base position from a POS file.
- Support for DJI and other RTK drones, providing MRK file with camera exposure timestamps, is added to the Drone data processing mode.
- Added support for *_events (n).pos/nmea.
- SNR mask for base is enabled by default.
- The PPK processing time has been reduced due to internal optimisations.
- The conversion to RINEX creates a separate subdirectory for results.
- The PPK processing mode has been divided into two modes: Kinematic processing and Static processing. The single mode for rover has been combined with Kinematic.
- The Average Of Single Position base positioning option is removed.
- Increased number of digits after the decimal point in the base position (now it's 9).
- Empty RINEX files are removed at the end of the conversion.
- Fixed no solution when processing CORS data in Static mode with single solution.
- Fixed incorrect generation of file extensions during conversion when using Log duration settings.
- Fix incorrect images folder selection with file browser on macOS.
- You can't drop anything into overlayed drop areas when you work with the Files' viewer.
- Non-integral UTC offsets handling from ReachView 3 project files is fixed.
- A low-quality solution if the base position is specified in "X/Y/Z ECEF" coordinates is fixed.
- Fixed applying antenna height twice when selecting the RINEX header position option.
- Fix missing C1C observations for GLONASS when converting from RINEX 2.11 to 3.03.
- Fixed solution in Static mode when using Combined filter and Single solution for the Static mode option.
- Fixed negative DMS values handling.
Emlid Studio 1 Beta 10
- The base latitude and longitude can now be provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds in the base observation file settings.
- The fix-and-hold mode integer ambiguity resolution mode is added for GLONASS.
- Added automatic detection of the time ranges of the RINEX file in the Log duration settings.
- At the end of Stop & Go a notification popup appears providing the number of successfully averaged points out of total.
- When clicking on the plot the current point info is displayed in a tooltip, from where you can easily copy it. For the ground track: when clicking on a solution full LLH coordinates are provided, otherwise only latitude-longitude.
- Log duration settings now allow you to paste date and time from the clipboard.
- The application popups look has been unified.
- The resulting files will no longer be overwritten.
- For NMEA solution format in PPK, Emlid Studio uses the .nmea extension. Also added the ability to use .nmea files for plotting, Stop & Go and drone data PPK.
- The list of accepted files is provided in the tooltip on the question mark hover. File type names are unified.
- An incorrect number of time marks/events appearing in RINEX/events.pos when converting from M+/M2 UBX is fixed.
- The file type validation on Windows when selecting or dropping files has reached the level of macOS strictness: no more ZIP files in the NAV file slot.
- High sensitivity of scrollbars on high-precision touchpads is fixed.
Emlid Studio 1 Beta 9
- A brand new drone data PPK mode has been added! It enables you to tag all your drone photos with GPS coordinates and timestamps from logs of your receivers in one go.
- Antenna height units support is added. Now Stop & Go handles both metric and imperial system units correctly.
- Error popups now have a message with the information about the error. A report for Emlid support will be created only in case of internal error.
- The Stop & Go panel is reworked to the two-step workflow just like the drop data PPK.
- Various fixes and improvements.
Emlid Studio 1 Beta 8
- Marker name is added to RINEX conversion settings.
- Converter now adds into correction and time correction to the RINEX nav header.
- Plot drag&drop support is extended: drop a file anywhere in the plot area to open it in a new tab, press the Shift key to add a new layer to the current solution plot or replace the second one.
- The behavior of the Done button is changed.
- The plot has become less laggy and looks sharper on DPI displays.
- The plot style is reworked.
- Error during the installation process with unexpected exit code 3010 is fixed.
- Various fixes and improvements.
Emlid Studio 1 Beta 7
- Single is set by default in Solution for static mode in PPK settings.
- Stop & Go: the resulting file contains the latitude and longitude with 8 decimal places precision like in ReachView 3.
- Date/time fields behavior has been reworked: they provide per date/time unit (year, month, hour, .etc) selection and fill. Also, the mouse selection support has been added to all the text fields.
- The positioning mode is not being reset to Kinematic anymore when removing a rover file.
- Fixed a bug where progress was displayed incorrectly when using the log duration settings in PPK.
- Solution types with very few points are now also displayed in the plot legend.
- Fixed a bug which caused Emlid Studio to stop executing any processing after some period of time.
- Visual C++ Redistributable installation fixed, no need to manually install it anymore
- RINEX to RINEX conversion in the same directory is fixed. In this case, an index in brackets is added at the end of the basename of the result files.
- An empty Skyplot appearing after UBX files conversion is fixed.
- Plot no longer spontaneously changes the scale of the content when switching tabs, and changing the size of the Studio window. Also fixed a bug that caused the right part of the plot to be unresponsive to mouse clicks.
- Fixed a bug that was the reason that Stop & Go did not support some *.pos file formats.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Studio from plotting CSV files with Unicode characters in the name.
- Various fixes and improvements.
Emlid Studio 1 Beta 6
The release of the first open Beta.