Navio Raspbian changelog
ArduPilot updated:
- ArduCopter: 4.0.3
- ArduPlane: 4.0.5
- ArduSub: 4.0.1
Kernel updated to v4.19.127
Preinstalled ROS Noetic (Buster only)
Raspberry Pi 4 8GB support
Fixed Dronekit connection issues
Fixed Navio model defining behaviour after running
systemctl start ardu<vehicle>
ArduPilot updated:
- ArduCopter: 3.6.11
- ArduPlane: 4.0.0
- ArduRover: 4.0.0
- ArduSub: 3.5.4
Raspbian Buster
Kernel updated to v4.19.83
Raspberry PI 4 Model B support
Fixed servo rail voltage
Rootfs auto-expanding on a first boot
ArduPilot updated:
- ArduRover: 3.4.2
- ArduCopter: 3.6.5
- ArduPlane: 3.9.5
- ArduSub: 3.5.3
kernel updated to v4.14.95
Raspberry PI 3 Model A+ support
emlidtool: 1.0.8
added pigpio
ArduPilot updated:
- ArduRover: 3.3.0
- ArduCopter: 3.5.5
- ArduPlane: 3.8.5
new packages for kernel and headers
RPI's raspberrypi-kernel and raspberrypi-kernel-headers packages substitute with version for Navio. This allows to install packages dependent on raspberrypi and libraspberrypi.
kernel updated to v4.14.34
Raspberry PI 3 Model B+ support
emlidtool: 1.0.6
rcio-firmware: 1.5.4-1.2
rcio-dkms: 1.0.0:
- Virtual GPIO support
- Support for kernels >= 4.10
removed rpi-update package
removed WBC support
preinstalled ArduPilot with systemd scripts:
- Arducopter: 3.4.6
- ArduPlane: 3.7.1
- APMrover2: 3.1.2
- ardupilot.service: 0.9.0
Wi-Fi broadcast support
preinstalled ROS Indigo
ros-indigo-mavros is held back to discourage updates: ROS Indigo depends on 0.17.x versions of mavros which doesn't handle properly some Boost error handling. Hence some monkey patching is needed.
make Emlid distribution fully compliant with official Raspbian
This means that all packages that depend on libraspberrypi0 and raspberrypi-bootloader will work as expected. For example
sudo apt-get install python-picamera
will workadd python3, python3-pip, mavproxy, droneapi, tmux
emlitool: 0.8.6
fix rcio-dkms updates:
rcio.dtbo could get not regenerated for newer kernels. The latter is now part of
package.fixed /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf issue that made it dissapear after the first boot
miscellaneous bugfixes
- Added driver for rtl8812-based Wi-Fi dongles
- Moved image snapshot closer to upstream
- Updated rcio-dkms to 0.6
Navio ArduPilot changelog
- Minor EKF updates
- Miscalleneous EKF fixes
- LSM9DS1 magnetometer is the new default rendering 'Inconsistent Compasses' error obsolete
- AK8963 is disabled by default
- Power module definitions are updated to ease configuration
- First stable release with support for Navio 2
- EKF2 is used by default
- Miscellaneous EKF improvements
- New thread per bus API
- MS5611 can never block the main thread as all bus operations are executed on another thread using the new API
- Guided_NoGPS flight mode added to allow simpler control in non-GPS environments
- LSM9DS1 support added with correct orientation set as default
- Several compasses work out of the box
- Various EKF improvements
- Different frequency on AUX PWM channels
- 16 RC Input channels are supported
- ADC channels work as expected
- Include all supported frames
RCIO kernel module
- fixed erratic PWM output on first 8 channels
- fixed a potential alt/default PWM rate misconfiguration that could lead to problems on octo/octo-quads
- Initial release with board information and sensor testing one-click utility