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Emlid Flow Android changelog

11.10 (Jan 31, 2025)


  • Meet the updated Wi-Fi settings screen! Connecting to networks is now easier and more convenient with the improved user interface.

  • Updated and additional coordinate systems were introduced for Singapore, Norway, and Bonaire Island. This update also includes an option to use the beta version of the latest “GSIGEO2024” geoid in Japan.

  • Starting with firmware 31.6 you can use Bluetooth to connect to your Reach. This feature is in the beta stage.


  • Various fixes and improvements.

11.9 (Jan 17, 2025)


  • Minor fixes and visual improvements.

11.8 (Dec 18, 2024)


  • The app now has a refreshed design! Enjoy a cleaner, more modern interface with improved usability for an even better experience.

  • Starting with firmware version 1.6, you can update Reach RX receivers directly from the Emlid Flow app.

11.7 (Nov 23, 2024)


  • We added support for US coordinate systems using feet and US survey feet units, enhanced the GCVerticalAdjustment with a UOM property, and implemented 13 new vertical datums for New Zealand's regional height systems. Additionally, we introduced datum transformation between GDA2020 and AGD84 for Australian coordinate systems, improving compatibility with AGD84-based systems.

  • Added ability to edit a point’s coordinates by duplicating it, making it easy to correct errors from faulty data imports or mistakes made during point creation.

11.6 (Nov 07, 2024)


  • With this update, you can change the linear unit of your projects even after creation. Additionally, the status overview screen now includes a switch for the linear unit, enabling you to view data in feet.


  • Minor fixes and visual improvements.

11.5 (Oct 26, 2024)


  • Minor fixes and visual improvements.

11.4 (Oct 10, 2024)


  • Minor fixes and visual improvements.

11.3 (Sep 20, 2024)


  • Additional coordinate systems were introduced for Australia, Puerto Rico, the USA, the Philippines, Latvia, the Bailiwick of Guernsey, and the Bailiwick of Jersey.
  • Meet the offset configuration for DTM! To set a temporary vertical offset, enter the desired value (up or down) in the survey settings. This feature allows you to work with one DTM file at different stages of a project.
  • Enabled the ability to collect points during surface stakeout. Please note that currently, measured points will not include delta information and will not be added to the stakeout report.
  • The line and point stakeout over DTM has been improved. You can now simultaneously view cut/fill values from your current position to the DTM and to the elevation of a point or line.
  • The app now supports polygon geometries! You can collect polygons on the go or create them from previously collected points and lines, streamlining boundary definition for faster and more efficient results.


  • Minor fixes and improvements.

11.2 (Aug 23, 2024)


  • Now you can key in pre-calculated localization parameters while creating a custom coordinate system.


  • Various fixes and improvements.

11.1 (Aug 06, 2024)


  • Various fixes and improvements.

11.0 (Jul 31, 2024)


  • We are excited to introduce surface stakeout in the Emlid Flow app! You can now upload DTM files in LandXML format and get cut and fill values during surface stakeout. Additionally, cut and fill values are calculated from surface elevation during points and lines stakeout.

10.9 (Jul 04, 2024)


  • Added the ability to select the preferred angle display format: DD or DMS.
  • This update includes enhancements to the data safety mechanism. It is highly recommended to install this update.
  • You can now receive product-related announcements via the in-app newsletter. To check out the latest news, go to Profile > What's new.

10.8 (Jun 18, 2024)


  • We are pleased to present Japanese language support!


  • Various fixes and improvements.

10.7 (Jun 05, 2024)


  • Various fixes and improvements.

10.6 (May 28, 2024)


  • The Traverse tool now allows you to enter azimuth in the DMS format.
  • You can now select line codes when creating or editing a single point.
  • We're excited to announce that the Survey plan now includes Auto collection mode. This feature allows you to automatically collect points and lines at specified time or distance intervals. To set up this mode, go to the Survey settings under the gear icon in the Collector tool.


  • Various fixes and improvements.

10.5 (May 07, 2024)


  • Various fixes and improvements.

10.4 (Apr 23, 2024)


  • We are pleased to present Czech language support!
  • Information about collected points is extended to include GDOP, NTRIP mountpoint info, and the number of satellites for each constellation.
  • The inverse tool now visualizes enclosed area.


  • Various fixes and improvements.

10.3 (Apr 09, 2024)


  • We updated the Collector tool with the “Precision limit” setting! Now you have more control over the quality of the data you collect. This new feature is available in both Free and Survey plans.
  • Emlid Flow now supports import and export of projects in KML format.

10.2 (Apr 02, 2024)


  • We are introducing the Inverse and Traverse functionality! Now, you can use the Inverse tool to view information about the selected points (area, slope distance, 2D distance, etc.). The Traverse tool lets you calculate a new point based on an existing point and the distance, azimuth, and elevation difference you enter.

10.1 (Mar 20, 2024)


  • The Collector tool now allows to select on which side of the line you want to collect a new point.


  • Various fixes and improvements.

10.0 (Mar 06, 2024)


  • We are introducing the Stakeout report feature. Now you can save points directly from stakeout mode and export the coordinate deltas as a CSV report.


  • Various fixes and improvements.

9.12 (Feb 13, 2024)


  • The Line Info screen now provides more information about each segment of a line.


  • Various fixes and improvements.

9.11 (Feb 01, 2024)


  • Added possibility to create/edit lines by selecting points on the map or from the list of project objects.

9.10 (Jan 15, 2024)


  • The stakeout tool now displays the azimuth value. The azimuth value is a measure of the direction from a rover to a target in point stakeout, and to an intersection point in “To line” mode.
  • You can now select and view point and line information directly from the collect and stakeout modes.


  • Various fixes and improvements.

9.9 (Dec 21, 2023)


  • The Line Info screen now provides more information, including area, perimeter, direction, grade, and more. The information depends on the number of points in the line.
  • We are introducing a new Stakeout mode! Now the map automatically rotates so you can quickly find your position relative to a point or line. The old Stakeout mode is available by clicking the Follow button on the map.


  • Various fixes and improvements.

9.8 (Dec 12, 2023)


  • Survey plan subscribers can now export CSV files with a custom format. The file configuration is taken from Emlid Flow 360.


  • Various fixes and improvements.

9.7 (Nov 28, 2023)


  • You can now get instant logging feedback right from the status bar and more detailed information from the status overview. In addition, the process of starting and stopping logging is more accessible through the integration of native logging controls.


  • Various fixes and improvements.

9.6 (Nov 14, 2023)


  • With this update, projects with a projection will use grid distances in the calculations. Projects in the Global coordinate system will use ground distances.
  • We updated the formatting of distances in the Stakeout tool and line info screen. The new format provides centimeter-level accuracy even for long distances.

9.5 (Oct 31, 2023)


  • Added new coordinate systems for Ireland, Germany, and Hong Kong.
  • Updated the geoid used for “DVR90 height” to a newer version.


  • Various fixes and improvements.

9.4 (Oct 18, 2023)


  • Various fixes and improvements.

9.3 (Oct 5, 2023)


  • The “FIX only” option is now available for the Stakeout tool. When turned on, the setting will also show a notification in the status bar, highlighting insufficient conditions.
  • We updated the Profile section of the app. You can now find the link for documentation for every Emlid receiver and software product. The offline PDF docs are also available for download at the bottom of the documentation page.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Added a bunch of WGS84-based projections for India.
  • Added a new vertical datum was introduced for high-precision measurements in Bucharest, Romania—“Bucharest-Ilfov MN75 height”.
  • The UTM zones 34N and 35N of the ETRS89 datum are now available for Romania.
  • The “Romania MN75 height” was renamed to “MN75 height” and updated and now it uses the latest version of the geoid: “EGG97_QGRJ_2023.tif”.


  • The missing option to switch on RS/RS+ through the bottom connector in the settings list has been put back in place.
  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • We are pleased to introduce a major update of the Survey plan—Localization. With this new feature you can calibrate your work site to fit existing control points for better precision.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • We added new “ETRS89” to “MGI” transformation that uses the updated 2021 version of the “AT_GIS_GRID” grid. “ILUM2 height” for Israel was also added.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • You can now search the lists of projects and NTRIP profiles.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • We added support for South African CRSs based on the “Hartebeesthoek94” datum. The South African vertical datum “SAGEOID2010” was also added.
  • You can now search your projects list.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • CSV(PENZD) import format added.
  • We added new vertical datums for Thailand (Kolak-1915 height) and Italy (Genoa 1942(South Tirol) height). Support for Israeli CRSs (Israeli Grid 05/12, Israeli Grid 05) has also been added.
  • Added support for Chilean CRSs: “SIRGAS-2021”, “SIRGAS-16” and “REDGEOMIN” horizontal datums as well as projections based on these datums and “GEOID2021” and “EIGEN-6C4” heights with corresponding geoids.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Survey plan users can now change points' codes. That includes older data created before coding was introduced to Emlid Flow. Note that this update also fixes the ordering of objects when exporting or importing data.
  • Meet the updated object list in the project view! Check out the improved search logic and redesigned display of lines' contents.



  • Exported DXF files now have a new layer with survey codes.
  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Survey plan users can now change a project's code library. That includes older data, created before coding was introduced to Emlid Flow.
  • Survey plan subscribers can now add WMS layers to the map for better context and navigation.



  • Field names of exported shapefiles were changed slightly to achieve better compatibility with third-party software.


  • Minor fixes and visual improvements.



  • Minor fixes and visual improvements.



  • ReachView 3 is now Emlid Flow! The new app includes professional survey features. Collect and stake out points and lines, perform stakeout with offset and chainage. Use our code library or upload your own to collect data faster. Use a satellite map view for more context.



  • The NTRIP over Bluetooth option now works correctly with NTRIP services that use TLS protocol.



  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • You can now control the quality of satellites’ signals by checking the SNR values on the Status screen.



  • Non-web-based interface that allows renaming the connected receiver.



  • Redesigned receiver Settings view. The most frequently used settings are now on the Receivers screen when Reach is connected. The Settings screen is rearranged and unnecessary nesting of views is eliminated.



  • ReachView 3 shows the total distance value next to the rover icon on the map during the stakeout process.
  • It is possible to scroll the buttons above the Collector tool to the right to check the real-time coordinates of the receiver during the data collection process.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • A list of verified coordinate systems which are searchable by country, name, and EPSG codes. Corresponding systems from the EPSG registry are marked as legacy, but still available.
  • Redesigned Stakeout and Collector tools. The map in the new Stakeout is always oriented towards North. The ground distance is split by North-South and East-West axes. The new Collector is more compact so you can see a larger part of the map, and the new color scheme making the interface more visible in bright sunlight. The tool has the new Measure button to ease the collection process.
  • It is now possible to request account deletion.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Slovak language localization.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • There is a new visual improvement of the stakeout tool: when you get closer than 40&nbspcm (1.312&nbspft) to a point, you can match the point and the rover more easily.


  • Improved the stability of the receivers scanner.



  • It is now possible to enter a base’s position or points’ coordinates in the DMS format.
  • Added the datum transformations from “ETRS89” to “S-JTSK (Ferro)” and “S-JTSK [JTSK03]” for Slovakia, and from “ETRS89” to “Albanian 1989” for Albania.
  • There is a new “NTF / Lambert Corse” coordinate system support.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • You can now set project points as base position. That enables you to add a survey marker position to a project as a point, then use this point to set up your base.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • We added new vertical datums for Columbia (Colombia GeoCol2004 height) and Azores Islands (Portugal GEODAZ2014 height).


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • We are happy to introduce the next major update for the app—Cloud sync! Log into your Emlid Account and store your projects, coordinate systems, and NTRIP profiles in cloud storage. No longer worry about losing data if the hardware fails; work with multiple mobile devices with ease! The app will sync your work every time it has access to the Internet without requiring a persistent connection.
  • The app now supports exporting Shapefiles with global coordinates.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • When connected to a receiver, you can now change its Bluetooth settings and manage its paired devices.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • We added the ability to delete custom coordinate systems.


  • The app now shows more verbose warning messages if there is an issue with NTRIP credentials or the selected mountpoint.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Exported CSV files now have additional columns containing geographic coordinates of the base.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • We added the ability to edit the name and description of existing survey projects.
  • ReachView 3 now supports DXF export with the point name and height as text objects.
  • The collector tool now makes a sound upon successful point collection.
  • Added a new option for the Correction output—“Local NTRIP.”


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Exported CSV files now have an additional column containing the name of the coordinate system.
  • Added the new transformation from RGF93 to NTF used for all CRSs based on NTF datum. These systems now require grid downloading.
  • When connected to a receiver, you can now check its Firmware version and available updates from inside the app.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Added the datum transformation from ETRS89 to Belge 1972, used in Belgium.
  • There are new vertical datums: “Brazil hgeoHNOR2020 height”, “South Africa SAGEOID2010 height”, and “Belgium HBG18 height”.
  • Added two vertical datums for France: “NGF-IGN69(RAF18B) height” and “NGF-IGN69(RAF20) height”.


  • We increased the maximum collection time to 60 minutes.
  • Coordinate systems without a projection are discontinued. This kind of systems has been removed from the list, and you can no longer create custom coordinate systems without specifying a projection. If you want to work in degrees, you may use the new Global CS option.
  • Position accuracy is now shown at all times, not just when averaging.


  • Fixed a rare case that could lead to the rover and base icons missing from the map.
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to degraded performance of the collector tool while using a high update rate in GNSS settings.
  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Added support for French, Norwegian, Polish, and Portuguese locales.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • ReachView 3 now supports import and export of projects in Shapefile and DXF formats.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Now, you can restore settings of your Reach from the app! To do this, select a corresponding menu item in the general settings section of your connected device.
  • Meet new base shift feature, which allows applying a real-time shift to rover and base coordinates. To do this, open the corresponding wizard from the project info bottom sheet and select measured and known points.


  • Now, devices with a Firmware version lower than 26 need to be updated to work with ReachView 3.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • We present you the ability to add points to a project by manually entering coordinates! While in the project, head to the points list, where you can now find a new control to add a point.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Add new vertical CRSs for South Korea: “KNGEOID13 height”, “KNGEOID14 height”, and “KNGEOID18 height”.
  • Added required transformations to ensure correct work of the surveying features on Hawaii.
  • Meet the updated Base mode settings screen! Configure automatic base position averaging or enter exact geographic coordinates manually using the new UI.


  • Fix the 7-parameter transformation for the GGRS87 system (Greece) to work as expected.
  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Now, you can restart and shut down your Reach from the app! To do this, tap on the connected device on the scanner or device settings screen and select a corresponding menu item.


  • Fixed an issue that could change points’ coordinates upon import if the project uses a custom CRS with Molodensky-Badekas transformation. If you encountered such behavior, we recommend creating a new project.



  • Added an ability to check base coordinates in the point info bottom sheet.
  • Added new vertical datum, “Greece GREEKGEOID2010 height”, used in Greece.
  • There are new horizontal CRSs for Greece: “HTRS07”, “HTRS07 / TM07”, “GGRS87”, and “GGRS87 / HEPOS”.
  • Added a new “Baltic 1977 height” vertical datum for Georgia.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • We are proud to present the next major update of the app. Starting with this version, it is now possible to create custom coordinate systems by entering all needed parameters. To test the new functionality, head to the list of coordinate systems and hit the “plus” button.
  • We now support a new vertical datum, “Italy ITG2009 height”.


  • All projects in Italy that use CRSs based on ED50 datum will utilize the transformation from ETRS89 to ED50 by “italy_ed50.tif” horizontal grid.
  • All projects in Italy that use CRSs based on Monte Mario datum will utilize the transformation from ETRS89 to Monte Mario by “roma40.tif” horizontal grid.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Starting with Reach Firmware version 26, the app will save the highest PDOP value received during point collection. These values will be available in exported CSV files.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Now, you can copy point coordinates and CRS info from the project's bottom sheets with a long tap on them.
  • The Swiss vertical CRS “LHN95 height” is available once again! Be advised that projects created before the system’s temporary removal will ask you to re-download the geoid file.
  • There is a new vertical datum “LN02 height” for Switzerland.


  • Update metadata for a bunch of geoid files. It will affect projects based on “SRVN16 height”, “Latvia 2000 height”, “NN2000 height”, and “N60 height” vertical datums. Existing projects that use these vertical datums will ask you to re-download updated files upon opening.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • The vertical CRS “DHHN2016 height” used in Germany is back! Please note that projects created before the system's temporary removal will ask you to re-download the geoid file.
  • There are two new vertical datums for Hungary: “Hungary VITEL2014 height” and “Hungary EHT2014 height”.
  • Added the transformation from ETRS89 to HD72 by “etrs2eov” horizontal grid, used in Hungary. Now, all CRSs based on HD72 datum will utilize this transformation.


  • Updated distance formatting in the stakeout tool to make precise measurements over long distances easier.


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • The averaging timestamps in exported CSV now contain a time zone offset. This will help to preserve information when importing a project in a different time zone.
  • The EPSG list was updated in accordance with the EPSG v10.003.
  • There are two new vertical datums for Croatia ("HVRS71 height") and France ("NGF-IGN69(RAF09) height").


  • Various fixes and improvements.



  • Exported CSV files now also contain geographic coordinates of points.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the app to break the order of imported points randomly.



  • Updated Russian, Spanish, and Turkish translations.
  • Minor visual updates.



  • We added new vertical CRSs to support the legacy "GEOID12B" geoid. It covers the CONUS area and Alaska "NAVD88(GEOID12B) height", Virgin Island "VIVD09(GEOID12B) height" and Puerto Rico "PRVD02(GEOID12B) height".


  • The status overview now shows the PDOP value with one decimal place.
  • Slightly updated fonts in the status overview to make values more readable.
  • Minor visual updates.



  • Correction output settings will now notify you if LoRa requires a higher air data rate. This feature covers the case when you enable LoRa, but the set air date rate doesn't suffice for configured RTCM3 messages. In such a case, the app will prompt you with a dialog describing the situation.
  • The correction input settings screen and the status overview drawer will now show if your device is receiving corrections.


  • Minor visual updates.

5.0 Beta


  • Added a view with device status data! Coordinates, solution status, DOP, info about corrections, you name it. You can access the device status overview page anywhere in the app by clicking on the status bar.
  • The last piece of correction output settings is here – the NTRIP option is now unlocked.
  • Added new vertical CRSs for Argentina and Brazil.
  • General settings are now fully unlocked. "Firmware updates" and "Device and hotspot name" are accessible via the web interface, starting with the 2.24.1 firmware version.
  • Notification about new Reach firmware update has been added to the device settings screen, so you do not miss out on new functionality.


  • Updated the grid required by "Romania MN75 height" CRS as the previous version caused incorrect height transformations. Existing projects won't be affected, but you'll need to download the new file. Be advised that exported CSVs are prone to have erroneous height values.
  • Now, devices with a firmware version lower than 2.24.0 need to be updated to work with ReachView 3.
  • The device scanner now shows more verbose errors and allows you to do the first setup or update receivers directly from the app.
  • Minor visual updates.


  • Various fixes and improvements.


  • Removed CRSs "DHHN2016 heigh" and "LHN95 height" due to license issues. Existing projects will continue to work correctly, but you will be unable to use said systems for the new ones.

4.15 Beta


  • Added quick access to the Base mode settings via the web interface.
  • Mobile data, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Camera control now display their statuses on the main settings screen.
  • We added new vertical CRSs for Slovenia, Continental Portugal, Mexico, Lithuania, and Romania.

4.14 Beta


  • LoRa configuration is now editable in correction output settings.
  • We added a new vertical CRS "Latvia 2000 height" along with "lv_14.tif" geoid, which covers all Latvia areas.
  • Added quick links to configure mobile data, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GNSS settings via the web interface.
  • You can now access the web-based logging page from the Receives tab! We tweaked a few things, and downloaded logs now can be shared using the native Android interface.


  • From now on, Serial wizard won't let to apply conflicting settings.
  • Minor visual updates.


  • We fixed a tricky case when our CSV exporter might have been confused by users switching between projects with different CRSs. Points' coordinates will no longer be exported with the wrong number of digits after the decimal point.

4.13 Beta


  • Survey project wizard became smarter, and now it remembers the last used CRS setup.


  • We made the map reading easier by adding a scale bar to it.
  • Now, map controls are non-transparent so that underlying content won't interfere with their content's visibility.
  • A small yet useful update for the point info: we moved the point editing button to the top. You'll no longer need to drag the bottom sheet up and down — all essential controls will be near at hand.
  • Minor visual updates.


  • Various fixes and improvements.

4.12 Beta


  • Serial and Bluetooth configurations are now editable in position streaming settings.
  • We added support for a bunch of new vertical coordinate systems! This update includes CRSs for Austria, New Caledonia, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta, Alicante, and Slovakia.
  • The correction output settings are here! At the moment, we have TCP and Serial wizards available, with others coming in the future updates.


  • Now, when you create or edit a project, NTRIP profile, or point, text fields won't contain accidentally entered leading and trailing whitespaces or empty lines.
  • We changed the default base CRS for some coordinate systems used in New Caledonia, Slovakia, and Romania.
  • Minor visual updates.


  • The EPSG list was updated in accordance with the EPSG v9.8.12 and ESRI v10.8.1.

4.11 Beta


  • Now it is possible to edit LoRa configuration in correction input settings.
  • TCP configuration is now editable in position streaming settings.
  • The input field in the antenna wizard become smarter! When you tap on it, all text inside will be highlighted to make it easier to enter a new value.
  • The Troubleshooting and System report sections are now available from the General device settings.


  • Now, the map zoom level will remain the same when you select a point from the list.
  • Minor visual updates.


  • We fixed an issue that could cause random reordering of points when exporting a project as CSV. Such behavior seems to appear while working with data collected before the 4.10 update. Be advised that CSV files created by the previous app version are prone to have points reordered.
  • Various fixes and improvements.

4.10 Beta


  • Now it is possible to configure position streaming settings (editing channels is not yet available).
  • Added a delete point button to the point info bottom sheet for better convenience.
  • Now, the project map shows the position of the base if it's available.
  • Added support for Italian locale.


  • We fixed an issue that caused the collector tool to not save the base position and the baseline when averaging is off.
  • Various fixes and improvements.

4.9 Beta


  • We've added new experimental vertical CRS "DHHN2016 height" along with "CGC2016.tif" geoid, which covers almost all Germany areas. Exact coordinates of coverage area: from 47.225° to 50.6° in latitude, from 7.426° to 13.9° in longitude.
  • Project import and export were upgraded to support base position and baseline. These values can be imported (and exported) using the following headers: Base easting, Base northing, Base elevation, and Baseline.


  • App fonts have been updated to make things uniform and less prone to layout-related issues.
  • Minor visual updates.


  • We fixed an issue that caused the collector tool to save incorrect antenna height values (they are off by up to 1 foot). This issue affected projects with CRSs which use feet, U.S. survey feet, or Gold Coast feet and did not affect point height values. Be advised that collected points are prone to have erroneous antenna height data.
  • Earlier, when exporting a project whose target CRS uses imperial units, the antenna height and RMS values were saved in meters, which is not correct. Now, these values will be represented in measuring units corresponding to the project target CRS.
  • Fixed multiple cases of keyboard overlapping UI elements, making app content inaccessible.
  • Various fixes and improvements.

4.8 Beta


  • Now the app will notify you about updates containing major changes.
  • Tune-up your Reach RS2 devices with the Sound settings, which are now unlocked! Check the improved UI and UX – it will even notify you if the Night mode already suppresses the sound.


  • Minor visual updates.


  • Various fixes and improvements.

4.7 Beta


  • Added a new notification to NTRIP profiles manager in the Profile tab. If you create or edit an NTRIP profile, and any Reach is connected at that moment, the app will now ask you if you want to change settings on that Reach.
  • Added new coordinate systems for Ghana and Sierra Leone (ones which use Gold Coast Foot unit of measure).


  • We now use a different way to calculate accuracy estimates. The RMS numbers you see will be slightly higher, but they will also be more realistic.
  • Points of the project are now muted when the collector tool is active.
  • Now devices with a firmware version lower than DEV 2.23.8 need to be updated to work with ReachView 3.


  • Fixed the correction input settings screen, which was failing to display current LoRa parameters.
  • Various fixes and improvements.


  • Due to technical issues, we had to remove multiple CRSs based on a non-EPSG geographic coordinate system.

4.6 Beta


  • There's a new loading indicator during search in the coordinate system picker.
  • Project import was upgraded to support point metadata, like solution status and antenna height. Here's a full list of supported headers: Easting RMS, Northing RMS, Elevation RMS, Lateral RMS, Antenna Height, Solution Status, Averaging Start, Averaging End, Samples.
  • Now all geoid and grids use .tif format instead of .gtx and .gsb. Previously created projects may ask to re-download grid/geoid files. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Update the EPSG systems list in accordance with the EPSG v9.8.9.
  • Add new vertical CRSs: EPSG:5709(NAP height), EPSG:3900(N2000 height), EPSG:5717(N60 height).
  • Add new experimental vertical CRSs: EPSG:5621(EVRF2007 height) (along with "ugik-geoid2011-PL-EVRF2007-NH" geoid, used in Poland), EPSG:5729(LHN95 height) (along with "CHGEO04A" geoid, used in Swiss).
  • Change default base CRS for all projected and compound CRSs based on geographic "CH1903+" and "DHDN" to "ETRS89".
  • The Receivers tab now offers some hints on how to find your Reach if it's not on the list.


  • Now devices with a firmware version lower than DEV 2.23.7 need to be updated to work with ReachView 3.


  • Now the countdown in the point collection tool saves its mode (passed or remaining time).
  • In some cases, projects with non-default vertical CRS could have been exported incorrectly. Now it is fixed.

4.5 Beta


  • Now it is possible to edit TCP and Serial settings in correction input.
  • We've added some protection against accidental cancels during point connection. If averaging time is more than 10 seconds, cancelling the collection must be confirmed by additionally pressing a new stop button.
  • Now the point collection tool shows a countdown. By tapping on it you can switch countdown mode between how much time has passed and how much time has left.


  • Increased the pole height input font size, to make it more readable.


  • Now stakeout tool displays long point names properly.
  • Various fixes to ensure app stability.

4.4 Beta


  • EPSG:4289 Amersfoort is back in CRS list and available to be used for project creation. Due to the ongoing process of grid support development, this CRS will use default transformation with assured accuracy of 0.5  m.
  • Minor visual updates.


  • Various fixes to ensure app stability.
  • Fixed internal issue that resulted in a crash when a project with a custom compound coordinate system was created.

4.3 Beta


  • NTRIP profile wizard in the 3rd tab now has a hint about the mount points list. This little update should clarify the fact that the automatic mount points loading is currently accessible only via Correction input settings
  • Added support for Turkish locale.
  • Added new CRSs for the UK: EPSG:5701(ODN height) vertical datum and EPSG:7405(OSGB 1936 / British National Grid + ODN height) compound CRS.


  • Minor visual updates.
  • Serial ports now have correct names according to the type of connected receiver.
  • The collector tool now reuses the description of the last collected point for a new one. You still will be able to clear it via the Edit dialog.
  • EPSG:4289 Amersfoort was disabled for project creation due to internal technical issues. Existing projects will still be intact, but there is a high risk of collected data being unreliable.
  • Improved the search engine in the project creation wizard’s CRS list. You will now receive more accurate results while searching for a CRS by a part of its name/code.


  • Fixed the Receiver section in the antenna height wizard to always show a correct device model.
  • Minor fixes and stability improvements.
  • Fixed height transformation for systems based on EPSG:4617(NAD83(CSRS)) geographic CRS with EPSG:6647(CGVD2013(CGG2013) height) or EPSG:9245(CGVD2013(CGG2013a) height) vertical datum.

4.2 Beta


  • Various fixes to ensure app stability.
  • Unfortunately, in some cases, the application crashed when entering the receiver's settings menu, now this problem has been solved.
  • When creating or modifying an NTRIP profile, the already selected mount point will be displayed as selected in the list, as well as automatically scrolled to its position.

4.1 Beta


  • When you create an NTRIP profile, you will automatically receive a list of mount points provided by your caster.
  • Now, on the third tab, you can modify existing NTRIP profiles and create new ones even if the receiver is not connected.
  • Added "FIX only" setting that allows point collection only with FIX solution.


  • If the rover icon is not shown on the map, the "Follow" button now will be disabled as well.
  • Updated the connected device's menu by renaming Settings into ReachView 2. Such naming should make clear what settings we refer to in the different parts of the app.
  • Minor visual updates.
  • Now the third tab has been renamed to "Profile".
  • Norway vertical datum EPSG:5941(NN2000 height) became available, unlocking a bunch of compound CRSs.
  • Broaden ranges of available vertical datums for multiple horizontal CRSs.
  • Add Russian and Spanish translations for more strings.


  • Fixed a bug that might have caused an appearance of negative zero coordinates in the point info and the collector.
  • Fix the hint for the Night mode switch on the Settings screen. Text now will be relevant for a connected receiver – we shouldn’t promise muted sound for non-RS2 devices.
  • Fixed some views that were ignoring the Android system Back button.
  • Since the previous coordinate system for the demo project required to download additional data, we replaced it with a similar one.
  • Selecting two coordinate systems from the list simultaneously could lead to incorrect behavior. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed potential app crashes that may be caused by CSV import. Unfortunately, we can no longer guarantee the compatibility with the ES File Explorer app, whose way of opening files differs from what we expect.
  • Various fixes to ensure app stability.

4 Beta


  • Now, the application will remind you if the phone’s Wi-Fi is not enabled when you are trying to scan for available receivers.


  • Notifications about Reach firmware updates have been improved. If Reach is on Stable, the application will ask you to enable Dev and update. If you are already on Dev, you can simply upgrade to the latest version.
  • Fixed UI glitches that might be caused by a receiver connection error.
  • Updated the look of the rover icon shown on the map.
  • Measure/save button in the collector shows "Out of CRS bounds" error if the CRS transformation has failed.
  • We slightly updated the third tab design while redeveloping the access to NTRIP profiles – added useful links and the company’s social media.
  • "Fit to project" button on the map now will be disabled if there are no points in the project.


  • Fixed an issue that might cause the appearance of a strange gray rover icon on the map, while there is no receiver connected.

  • The collector will no longer show the height of the thread adapter if connected/selected receiver doesn't support it.

  • Fixed a bug that caused errors for some geoid-based coordinate transformations.

  • Fixed base CRS for all projected and compound CRSs based on geographic CRSs unlocked in the version 3.1 Beta. For example, EPSG:27700 (OSGB 1936 / British National Grid) now has ETRS89 as base CRS instead of OSGB 1936.

    Be advised that if you created projects using said coordinate systems, collected data inside them should be considered invalid.

  • Fixed a bug that might have caused geographical coordinates block in point info bottom sheet not to be shown for a custom compound coordinate system.

3.1 Beta


  • Now app automatically focuses on the point selected from the list.
  • Added the ability to use coordinate systems that require conversion using a horizontal grid, which will be offered to download the same way as geoids.
  • Now LoRa, Serial and TCP IO types are available to be selected (but not configured yet) in the correction input settings.


  • The project info bottom sheet now gives you a hint on what CRS your base must be referenced in depending on your project's CRS.
  • Project's point list is now sorted from newest to oldest.
  • Updated import & export buttons style in project info bottom sheet.
  • Updated button's style and size of point info bottom sheet.
  • Progress bar in the collector tool became more visible.
  • Now measure/save button shows "No receiver" error if receiver is not connected.
  • Add minor changes to the icons on the map controls.


  • Now, after deleting a point selected from the list of points, we return to the list, not to the project information as it was earlier.
  • As you know, we automatically connect to Reach, if only one has been found by the end of the scan. If, during the scan, you manually connected to the receiver and got an error, the autoconnect would also kick in, which wasn't helpful. It's been fixed.
  • Fixed right padding of base station coordinate system block in the project wizard.
  • Changing averaging timer settings during a collection could lead to an unexpected app behavior. Now all collector controls will be in a proper state at any time.
  • Fixed the "EXT port" setting being available in the "General settings" screen. We hid this control for Reach RS (RS+ is not affected) because this setting is not applicable for this device type.


  • Removed base CRS information block from the point info bottom sheet.

3 Beta


  • We used to consider the incoming coordinates to be WGS84. It’s not always true, so now, based on the CRS you pick for your project, we make an assumption of what your base is referenced in. This information is available in the project wizard and the project info bottom sheet. For example, if your project CRS is EPSG:6328 (NAD83(2011) / UTM zone 59N), then we will assume that the coordinate system of your base station is EPSG:6318 (NAD83(2011)). The transformation process itself won’t change.
  • Now the screen with NTRIP profiles updates the configuration after each navigation action to make simultaneous use of ReachView 2 and ReachView 3 more convenient.


  • Now devices with a firmware version lower than Dev 2.23.5 needs to be updated to work with ReachView 3.
  • When you create a project with non-default CRS, project info used to contain "Coordinates in WGS 84 ..." section. We renamed it to "Geographic coordinates" since the coordinates are referenced in the same geographic system as your base.
  • Slightly changed text in the NTRIP profile dropdown menu – now it is more consistent with other parts of the app.
  • Update the application visuals according to new design.
  • Changed receiver settings loading error to a more verbose one.
  • Updated the English text describing project name restriction in the project creation wizard.


  • In some cases, when scanning the devices were duplicated, now it is fixed.
  • Fixed import for projects configured with a separate vertical datum.
  • If you previously tried to apply settings with a NTRIP profile, got an error and then deleted the profile, it would not disappear from the UI. This has been fixed and the profile will properly disappear after being deleted.
  • Sometimes points on the map in the offline mode were not displayed, now this is fixed.


  • Because of significant internal changes, application data will be wiped. These changes related to the way we store your projects that's why they are really important for the future of our application and your comfort. We are sorry for any inconvenience and hope you will not forget to export all your projects before the update.

2.10 Beta


  • Added support for new vertical datums (EPSG:5712, EPSG:5711, EPSG:5713, EPSG:6647, EPSG:9245, EPSG:5792, EPSG:9130, EPSG:8089, EPSG:4440, EPSG:7839).


  • Now settings changeable by clicking on the switch may also be enabled by a tap on the whole UI element.
  • Minor visual changes of default vertical datum item in the project wizard.


  • Fixed the navigation, which could break in case of receiver disconnect.
  • Fixed infinite error message in the case when a recently created or edited profile is applied unsuccessfully.


  • Removed OGC:CRS84 coordinate systems due to technical issues.

2.9 Beta


  • Fixed the Correction input settings, which rendered unusable in the release 2.8 Beta.

2.8 Beta


  • Now in the correction input settings, the name of the local profile is inserted into the NTRIP profile status if it is selected.
  • Now it's possible to create a project with desired coordinate system that does not include a vertical part yet and add a compatible vertical datum to it, which allows getting a height above a geoid.
  • Switching between ReachView 2 and ReachView 3 is now handled properly. In-app navigation keeps displayed settings up-to-date.
  • Now general settings section is available and Reach synchronization with an external power source can be enabled using ReachView 3.


  • Now in the settings of the correction input, switch off function looks like a separate item in the list of options.
  • Updated the Profile tab icon.
  • Renamed Reach RTK to Reach Module.
  • Updated icons for the Receivers and Survey tabs.
  • Thread adapter switch for RS/RS+ is turned on by default.


  • Fixed incorrect behavior where the stakeout button is not fully displayed in the point info bottom sheet.
  • Previously, clicking on the header of a list of points could lead to unexpected behavior - now it is fixed.
  • The point selector in stakeout no longer appears when there is only one point in the project.
  • Fixed a typo in the Profile tab.
  • Fixed a bug with every project displaying zero points even when it's not zero.
  • On the main settings screen, the long name of the connected receiver is now displayed with the ellipsis at the line's end.

2.7 Beta


  • Added import error message for points that are incompatible with the project's coordinate system.
  • Interactions with a project now will be restricted in case if required geoid(s) is corrupted or missing.
  • We introduce support for NTRIP profiles! Now you can easily configure correction input via NTRIP using in-app presets of settings.


  • Swapped import and export buttons in project info bottom sheet to follow the new UX pattern.
  • "About" tab is reborn as "Profile". Along with the app info, it now contains a preview of receiverless NTRIP profiles management.

2.6 Beta


  • Added formatting of coordinates and RMSE values in exported projects. Linear values of exported projects now preserve 3 decimal places and angular values preserve 8 decimal places.


  • Fixed an issue that could lead to excessive traffic usage if a geoids downloading process failed.
  • Fixed an application crash on project data import.

2.5 Beta


  • Fixed an internal issue that prevented users from accessing their projects.

2.4 Beta


  • When connecting to Reach at the end of a long list of devices, the upward scrolling is automatic.
  • The exported CSV file now contains a "Description" column, and all headers start with a capital letter.


  • Geocentric and geographic 3D coordinate systems were temporarily removed from the list of available CRS when creating a new project.

2.3 Beta


  • Added correction input settings minimal implementation with ability to turn it on and off and switch to Bluetooth.
  • Now if NTRIP is enabled in the correction input settings, the address of the caster is shown.
  • Added possibility to change the "Night mode" state of Reach.


  • Now devices with version lower than Dev 2.23.0 need to update to work through ReachView 3.
  • Updated looks of the main settings screen.
  • Leaving the pole height input empty will now count as 0 instead of returning to the previous height.
  • Icons updated for night mode, RTK, correction input, correction output, position streaming 1/2 and base mode.


  • Fixed camera control setting looking like base mode in the settings menu for Reach M2/M+/RTK.
  • Fixed system navigation bar color on certain devices.
  • "Delete projects" menu button in recently deleted screen is now disabled if there is no projects to be deleted permanently.
  • Now points are deselected on closing point info bottom sheet.

2.2 Beta


  • Now the list of CSV import errors displays the project name and CRS name.
  • Settings page now shows I/O channels set for correction input, correction output, and position streaming.

2.1 Beta


  • Fixed an error with infinitely loaded projects.

2 Beta


  • A splash screen will now be shown instead of a blank white background when the app is loading.
  • Now it is possible to change the time of point collection or to disable averaging completely.
  • Now points in project can be shown on new point list screen.
  • Added a new screen with upcoming device settings. In the next releases they will be unlocked one by one.
  • Added the "Blink" button to the device settings screen. Upon pressing this button, connected Reach will blink its LEDs, helping you to distinguish it from other units.


  • Time in the application is now displayed in 24h format only.
  • Long CRS names inside the project information drawer are no longer shortened.
  • Device icons were redesigned.


  • Now it is possible to open the point editor from the collector even if the device is disconnected.
  • Elements of the status bar became more distinguishable.

1.4 Beta


  • Point information drawer now shows the count of samples taken during the averaging process.
  • The screen with import errors received a button that allows you to send a list of import errors to other applications.
  • Add new coordinate systems that use geoids. When creating a project with such CRS, if the necessary geoid files are not found, the application will offer to download them.


  • Following rover in stakeout mode now can be disabled.
  • Fit to project now works during stakeout.
  • Now the collector tool can not be opened when a point is selected on the map.
  • Survey projects exported as CSV now provide samples count for each point collected.
  • Device scanner is now less likely to misbehave upon encountering connection errors.
  • Import error that has occurred in every line of the file now is shown as a general error.

1.3 Beta


  • Collector tool now considers the name of the last collected point to keep the points naming pattern automatically while incrementing.
  • Simplified "follow rover" button leaving only two states - following and not following.
  • Improve verbosity of the CSV import errors list.
  • Increase "follow rover" centering area on the map.
  • Changed firmware update link to take you to ReachView 2 update settings.


  • Fixed a bug when following rover was stopped on entering collector tool.
  • Fixed the device scanner requesting a receiver's firmware update when it was not needed.
  • Fixed visual glitch at importer information screen on devices with small resolution, that didn't allow to see important information about import.

1.2 Beta


  • Added validation during CSV import to display detailed errors on failure.
  • Added support for Reach M2.
  • Added the ability to set point name and description in the collector.
  • Added support for DVR90 geoid. The following systems using this geoid are now available in the project wizard: 4097, 4098, 4099, 4100, 7416, 7417, 7418, 7419, 7420.
  • Antenna wizard will now work in units used by your current project's CRS.
  • If the app scans only one available receiver, it will automatically connect to it.
  • Collected points now have antenna height info in the description.


  • Now it is possible to import points positioned out of bounds of the project's coordinate system.
  • Slightly changed the appearance of the empty project list screen.


  • Fixed a bug that would in some cases prevent projects from opening while your device is offline.
  • Renaming the last point collected might cause on-map point titles to glitch. This is no longer an issue.

1.1 Beta


  • Add the ability to edit names and descriptions of the collected points.


  • The app will no longer be frozen by the demo project creation process.
  • RMSE values are now shown in the units of measurement of the CRS you're working in.
  • Update background color of the text inputs, so now they look much prettier.
  • Add red background to the "Delete point" button in the point editor. This should remind everybody to treat this button with extra caution.

1 Beta

The first app release for the closed beta program.